Help and support

Do you need to know something specific about anything from furniture to policies? Or do you need help with setting up Audio Visual (AV) and other equipment? Get answers here.

Furniture and equipment

Q: Who do I contact if there is broken furniture/equipment in my classroom?

Q: How do I get permanent market off a whiteboard?

If there is permanent marker on a whiteboard, use a dry-erase marker to draw over the permanent marker, and then erase. If the mess is more than a quick fix, please let Facilities Management know.

Q: How do you decide what furniture to put in a classroom?

We select the most appropriate furniture in consultation with instructors, students, program administrators, and other key classroom stakeholders. We aim to provide furniture that:

  • is sourced from sustainable and socially responsible vendors
  • offers student choice
  • supports a variety of activities and learning modes
  • meets universal design, health and wellbeing standards

Q: How do rooms get prioritized for furniture renewal?

Learning spaces are reviewed by different committees evaluating short and long term renewal of furniture and learning design.  The Academic Furniture Renewal Committee that replaces furniture on an ongoing basis. We welcome requests to develop our priorities. Contact to have your email directed to the committee. 

Q: How do I add more seats into a classroom?

Contact to review room capacities. Room capacity depends on many variables, including safety and building requirements, type of furniture, and student comfort. Most of our classrooms are already optimized for the right number of seats, meaning it is rare for capacities to increase without impacting room functionality.

Q: Do any classrooms have chalkboards?

While the majority of classrooms have whiteboards, some rooms do have combination boards to accomodate chalkboard and whiteboard preference.  We do not have any classrooms with only chalkboards.

Q: Why doesn’t my classroom have a clock?

If your classroom doesn’t have a clock, clock is broken or the time is incorrect, please Facilities Management

Audio Visual (AV) and technology

Q: How do I get a technician to repair equipment in my space?

Technicians are available for user support, orientation, or advanced system repairs. Please contact the AV Help Desk at 250-807-9000 for assistance.

Q: Who do I contact to get AV equipment or support for an event?

UBC IT Audio Visual offers AV equipment rentals and support for events. This includes client consultation, delivery, setup and technical assistance for on or off campus meetings, conferences and special events. To request support for an event, enter a ticket at

Q: How do you decide what AV equipment to put in a classroom?

When initiating any new project, a thorough needs analysis is completed with users of the space to identify any specific needs. In addition to specific needs identified by users, the UBCO IT AV design team utilizes a standards-based approach based on a set of design guidelines. These standards and guidelines provide benchmarks for technology based on factors such as seat count, viewing distance, sightlines, etc. Standardized models of equipment such as projectors, document cameras, and touch panels are used for the purpose of creating a common look and feel in all classrooms which fosters familiarity for users moving from one classroom to the next. It also streamlines support of classroom spaces, which reduces costly downtime and system outages.

Q: How often are AV systems upgraded?

AV systems are typically refreshed every five to seven years in general-use classrooms. If you would like information on when a classroom is due for upgrades, feel free to enter a ticket request at or contact the AV Help Desk at 250-807-9000.

Q: I want to display my content on a lounge or hallway’s TV screen. Where do I start?

UBCO IT AV team provides digital signage hardware infrastructure and software solutions to quickly and efficiently display multimedia content on flat panel displays in spaces around campus. Even if you don’t own signage, you may be able to provide content for the UBCO digital signage network. For more information, enter a ticket request at or contact the AV Help Desk at 250-807-9000.


Q: Are classrooms accessible?

We are helping to make the campus more accessible by installing automatic door openers (push-buttons) into lecture theatre doors. Wheelchair lifts have been installed to aid movement in some rooms, and require no keys to operate. 98% of our classrooms are accessible – the few inaccessible classrooms are in old buildings that do not have an elevator; this will be noted on the classroom page.

Q: Do you support assistive listening devices?

Many classrooms have technology available for assistive listening devices.  For assistance, contact the Disability Resource Centre at


Q: When are classrooms open?

Classrooms are unlocked during building hours. Use the Find a Classroom page to check the hours for any particular classroom. 

Q: Can I eat or serve food in a classroom?

Food and drink are allowed in classrooms as long as they do not disturb others. Drinks must be in spill-proof containers. Catering in classrooms is not permitted. Please consider other room users and take your trash to the nearest waste station.

Q: What happens if there is a power outage, flood, or other event that affects my classroom?

In the event of a power outage or other event that affects the learning environment, we will attempt to re-locate academic course sections. If a class needs to be temporarily re-located, we will contact the relevant department, instructor, and students and advise them of new location.

Scheduling and booking

Q: How is the course schedule created?

The Scheduling Guidelines have been developed to create an overall coordination of the University’s general teaching spaces, per Policy 107. Enrolment Services is the primary contact for the creation of the academic schedule and the coordination and booking of general teaching spaces.   

Q: How do I request a General Teaching Space for credit courses and final exams?

Please contact your Department or Faculty Scheduling representative or Exam Representative. They will contact Enrolment Services on your behalf.

Q: Why can’t I find the room I’m looking for on the Find a Classroom page?

The Find a Space search on the Learning Spaces website only displays General Use classrooms. The room you’re looking for may be a departmental teaching lab which are not open for general use.

Q: How do I request a General Teaching Space for events and other activities?

All Ad-hocs/Events can be requested using the followings options:

Q: How are classroom bookings prioritized?

Policy 107 establishes priorities for general teaching spaces for “Academic/Educational Activities” and “Other Activities”.  More information on booking priorities for academic and non-academic activities can be found at the Central Booking Office